RF Medical Devices

23 בFebruary 2021

Pendulum (Detectus products)

Pendulum Instruments has introduced a new EMC-scanner family, the Detectus SCN-500 series, having the highest performance/price ratio on the market.

23 בOctober 2017


pSemi (formerly Peregrine Semiconductor) manufactures RFIC using the UltraCMOS® technology, Peregrine products are poised to meet the demands of a global RF design community.

- RF Switches
- Digital Step Attenuators
- Mixers/MOSFET Quad Array
- PLL Freq Synthesizers
- Prescalers
- RF Tuning Products
7 בOctober 2017


lntelliconnect designs and manufactures a broad range of RF cable assemblies including a variety of products from ribbon assemblies and wiring looms through to low loss cables, cryogenic cables and IP68 connectors. Each is individually tested.

2 בOctober 2017

Rogers Corporation

Rogers’ Advanced Electronics Solutions (AES) are engineered to solve the challenges driven by higher frequency, high speed and high power electronics through design, development and application support required to deliver quality, reliable solutions.

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הקטנת תצוגה
הגדלת תצוגה
איפוס תצוגה

אתר מונגש

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