27 בJanuary 2025

The SecureSync 2400 time sync server is built on a highly configurable platform to offer precisely what you need at the lowest cost of ownership

>The SecureSync 2400 time sync server is built on a highly configurable platform to offer precisely what you need at the lowest cost of ownership

The SecureSync GNSS / GPS time and frequency reference system harnesses Safran’s leading PNT technology into one flexible, modular platform. Designed to synchronize critical defense and commercial infrastructures that require extreme reliability and security.

27 בJanuary 2025

pSemi announces new high-performance SP4T RF switch – the PE42548

>pSemi announces new high-performance SP4T RF switch - the PE42548

PE42548 is a HaRP™ technology-enhanced reflective switch that supports a wideband frequency range from 9 kHz to 30GHz. Powered by pSemi’s proprietary UltraCMOS® technology, this switch offers superior performance with a low insertion loss of 2.0 dB at 26 GHz, rapid switching time of 60 ns, high power handling of 33 dBm, and exceptional isolation performance of 41 dB.

24 בJanuary 2021

Pendulum Instruments introduces a new EMC-Scanner from Pendulum Instruments -Detectus products

Intelics presents a new EMC-Scanner from Pendulum Instruments -Detectus The Detectus SCN-500 measures the electromagnetic emission of components, boards, cables, and products over a wide bandwidth. Emphasize is put on ease-of-use via the powerful and easy-to-use DSS SW, so that any engineer, not only EMC experts, can easily view EMC hot spots and make comparative measurements.
3 בJanuary 2021

Pendulum Instruments is a supplier of solutions for calibration, measurement and analysis of time & frequency related parameters

PENDULUM Instruments is a supplier of solutions for calibration, measurement and analysis of time & frequency related parameters.

- Time and Frequency Counters/Analyzers
- Time and Frequency Standards
- Frequency Distribution
3 בDecember 2020

Teledyne e2v HiRel offers high-performance, high-reliability semiconductor solutions

Teledyne e2v HiRel offers high-performance, high-reliability semiconductor solutions, which address the critical functions of the complete signal chain. With a range of products and package solutions, we cater to civil aerospace, industrial, medical, military, scientific and space applications. Teledyne e2v designs and develops high-speed data converters (ADC/DAC), FPGA, microprocessors, memory, analog RF/power and logic functions. Many products are developed through strategic partnerships with companies such as NXP, Everspin, Micron, Maxim and others. We also offer a range of semiconductor services, including:

- High-reliability assembly and test
- Package design
- Semiconductor Lifecycle Management under our SLiM™ brand
27 בMay 2019

pSemi GaN FET Driver Delivers Fast Switching to Solid-state LiDAR Systems

>The PE29101 High-speed Driver Boasts the Industry’s Fastest Rise Times and a Low Minimum Pulse Width

pSemiTM Corporation (formerly known as Peregrine Semiconductor), a Murata company focused on semiconductor integration, announces the availability of the PE29101 gallium nitride (GaN) field-effect transistor (FET) driver for solid-state light detection and ranging (LiDAR) systems. The PE29101 boasts the industry’s fastest rise times and a low minimum pulse width. This high-speed driver enables design engineers to extract the full performance and switching speed advantages from GaN transistors. In solid-state LiDAR systems, faster switching translates into improved resolution and accuracy in the LiDAR image.

27 בMay 2019

pSemi Announces Frequency Extension and Volume Production of the 55 GHz Digital Step Attenuator (DSA)

pSemi Corporation (formerly Peregrine Semiconductor), a Murata company focused on semiconductor integration, announces volume production of the PE43508 digital step attenuator (DSA). This mmWave product is the world’s first single-chip silicon-on-insulator (SOI) DSA to support the entire 9 kHz to 55 GHz frequency range. Ideal for 5G test and measurement applications, the PE43508 exemplifies pSemi’s high-performance capabilities at mmWave frequencies. The 55 GHz DSA maintains a monotonic response across the entire frequency range and features low insertion loss, low attenuation error and good return loss.
24 בOctober 2017

Intelics ISO 9001 certificate

Intelics is proud to announce it is now ISO 9001:2015 qualified and has been approved as a supplier to various renown Hi Tech and Defense customers.
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