pSemi Announces Frequency Extension and Volume Production of the 55 GHz Digital Step Attenuator (DSA)

pSemi Announces Frequency Extension and Volume Production of the 55 GHz Digital Step Attenuator (DSA)

Originally Unveiled as a 50 GHz DSA, the PE43508 Proves Its Superior Performance Extends to an Unprecedented 55 GHz

pSemi Corporation (formerly Peregrine Semiconductor), a Murata company focused on semiconductor integration, announces volume production of the PE43508 digital step attenuator (DSA). This mmWave product is the world’s first single-chip silicon-on-insulator (SOI) DSA to support the entire 9 kHz to 55 GHz frequency range. Ideal for 5G test and measurement applications, the PE43508 exemplifies pSemi’s high-performance capabilities at mmWave frequencies. The 55 GHz DSA maintains a monotonic response across the entire frequency range and features low insertion loss, low attenuation error and good return loss.


The PE43508 has an extended temperature range from −40°C to +105°C, an HBM ESD rating of 1 kV and an easy-to-use digital control interface supporting both serial addressable and parallel programming. The DSA supports 1.8 V control signals and has an optional VSS_EXT bypass mode.The PE43508 is a 6-bit, 50-ohm DSA that offers wideband support from 9 kHz to 55 GHz. The PE43508 covers a 31.5 dB attenuation range in 0.5 dB and 1 dB steps, and it is capable of maintaining 0.5 dB and 1 dB monotonicity through 55 GHz. The PE43508 also delivers glitch-safe attenuation state transitions, meaning no increased power spike during a state transition.

The PE43508 has an extended temperature range from −40°C to +105°C, an HBM ESD rating of 1 kV and an easy-to-use digital control interface supporting both serial addressable and parallel programming. The DSA supports 1.8 V control signals and has an optional VSS_EXT bypass mode.

Offered as a flip-chip die, volume-production parts, evaluation kits and samples are available now.

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