About Pendulum (Detectus products)

Pendulum Detectus3

The Swedish world leading EMC-Scanner company Detectus AB was acquired by Pendulum Instruments in July 2020. The SCN-500 EMC-Scanner is the first new Detectus product after the acquisition.

Pendulum Instruments has introduced a new EMC-scanner family, the Detectus SCN-500 series, having the highest performance/price ratio on the market. It is intended for pre-compliance EMC-scanning of products, boards, components, or cables, to pin-point, visualize and document the EMI-hotspots early in the design, when the cost for remedy still is low. The SCN-500 series scans in 0.1 mm steps in 2D, or 4D (3D + rotation of field probe) for frequencies up to 10 GHz using the Pendulum probe kits. There is a high-precision laser distance measurement option for automatic 3D modelling, and the powerful and easy-to-use SW supports 100+ spectrum analyzer models. The SCN-500 series comes in 4 models from a 2D scanner with scan area 200x100mm up to a 4D scanner with scan area of 600x400x300mm See also: rf test systems

Detectus SMP-Li-SCN-500-v1_Li
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