Pendulum Instruments introduces a new EMC-Scanner from Pendulum Instruments -Detectus products

Intelics presents a new EMC-Scanner from Pendulum Instruments -Detectus

Intelics presents a new EMC-Scanner from Pendulum Instruments

The Detectus SCN-500 measures the electromagnetic emission of components, boards, cables, and products over a wide bandwidth. Emphasize is put on ease-of-use via the powerful and easy-to-use DSS SW, so that any engineer, not only EMC experts, can easily view EMC hot spots and make comparative measurements.

SCN-500 offers a flexible solution for early detection of EMC hot spots in the product development phase, so that potential problems can be remedied easier and with lower cost, than in the final product. Pre-compliance EMC measurements can be made in 4D (3D xyz movement of field probe plus rotation), with a step size of 0.1 mm on test volumes up to 600x400x300 mm. Options include e.g., immunity measurement SW, and a laser distance meter for automatic 3D-modeling of the Device-under-Test. The performance/price ratio is claimed to be higher than any competitive solution.

Detectus SMP-Li-SCN-500-v1_Li

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