pSemi announces new high-performance SP4T RF switch – the PE42548

pSemi announces new high-performance SP4T RF switch - the PE42548

pSemi announces new high-performance SP4T RF switch - the PE42548

pSemi® Corporation, a Murata company leading in the design and development of semiconductor integration and advanced connectivity, today announced the introduction of a new high-performance SP4T RF switch—the PE42548. This advanced packaged solution is set to revolutionize the market by providing an ideal alternative to traditional flip-chip solutions. Designed to accelerate time-to-market, the PE42548 meets the increasing demand for contract manufacturing (CM)-friendly RF solutions, particularly in test and measurement (T&M) applications.


Key Features

Wideband support up to 30GHz

Low insertion loss of 2.0 dB @ 26.0 GHz

Fast switching time of 60 ns

High input P1dB of 33 dBm

High port-to-port isolation of 41 dB

-40 °C to + 105 °C operating temperature support

Package: 20-lead 3×3 mm LGA

PE42548 is a HaRP™ technology-enhanced reflective switch that supports a wideband frequency range from 9 kHz to 30GHz. Powered by pSemi’s proprietary UltraCMOS® technology, this switch offers superior performance with a low insertion loss of 2.0 dB at 26 GHz, rapid switching time of 60 ns, high power handling of 33 dBm, and exceptional isolation performance of 41 dB.

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