RF test systems RF Test Equipment Solutions

7 בOctober 2023

Maury Microwave

Maury Microwave provides Interconnect & precision calibration solutions

- ColorConnect™ Precision Adapters.
- Test Essentials™ Lab Adapters.
- Microwave/RF Cable Assemblies
- VNA Calibration Kits.
- Coaxial Calibration Standards.
- Waveguide Calibration Standards
- VNA Test Port Cable Assemblies
23 בFebruary 2021

Pendulum (Detectus products)

Pendulum Instruments has introduced a new EMC-scanner family, the Detectus SCN-500 series, having the highest performance/price ratio on the market.

22 בMay 2019


PENDULUM Instruments is a supplier of solutions for calibration, measurement and analysis of time & frequency related parameters for e.g., RF systems, RF test systems, and RF test equipment solutions.

- Time and Frequency Counters/Analyzers
- Time and Frequency Standards
- Frequency Distribution
8 בOctober 2017

Farran Technology

Farran Technology designs and manufactures a wide range of Millimeter-Wave Components and Subsystems for Radar and Imaging, Communications, Research, Test and Measurement, and Aerospace. Span from 20GHz to 500GHz.

30 בSeptember 2017

Teledyne Technologies

Teledyne Electronic Safety Products TESP - an operating unit of Teledyne Technologies - designs, develops, qualifies and manufactures a variety of small, highly reliable products, which in many cases are intended to operate explosive devices such as EEDs (Electro-Explosive Devices), EBW s (Exploding BridgeWires), EFIs (Exploding Foil Initiators), and other similar devic es.

- Our products include
- Aircraft ejection seat solid state sequencers
- Escape system controllers
- Associated field test equipment
- HV wire and cable harnesses

Inteli-cs also offer RF Connectors, Cables & Connectivity for RF systems, RF test systems, and RF test equipment solutions.


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